NDT for Oil & Gas and Steel making sector

NDT for Oil & Gas and Steel making sector

NDT for Oil & Gas and Steel making sector

NDT for Oil & Gas and Steel making sector

NDT for Oil & Gas and Steel making sector
The non-destructive testing techniques applied in the steel making industry allow for inspection of raw materials at the semi-finished product stage. The detection of possible defects at this early stage leads to obtaining high quality finished products.
The MT and PT systems destined for this industry must be designed and manufactured taking into account the challenging work environments in which these systems will be eventually installed. CGM has a long experience in the steel industry, with the systems manufactured and installed that have been in operation for more than 40 years.
The pipe industry, comprising pipes for oil extraction (upstream) and for the oil / gas transportation (midstream), has very high safety standards. The damage caused by leaks in extraction plants or transportation systems for this type of products has devastating environmental effects. Pipes are inspected during the manufacturing process using various inspection techniques, including magnetic particle inspection (MT) of pipe ends and couplings.
CGM has a long experience in the design and production of automatic in-line pipe ends and couplings inspection systems.